Controversial, opposite opinion: Steam refusing to give an exact definition of what a minor looks like is good. It prevents creators purposefully skirting along the edge of the rules. Essentially what is being said is "Don't even fucking try it. No. No. Don't try it. Stay the fuck away from the line. Or else." Which I actually really like. Otherwise the shady creators will do their best to sneak minor-replacement characters through the cracks, get into arguments over semantics, and in general find the closest possible thing they can to the 'line'. And then the journalists will get on Steam's case, and then hey presto suddenly Steam bans all adult content again.

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Yeah, I for sure don't envy the bind that Steam find themselves in! From all their actions, it's clear to me that they wish to be content-neutral. But now it seems they've realized that a policy of non-moderation is a recipe for disaster when it comes to adult games.

I guess I'm just sad that a stricter policy also means missing out on experiences that do toe the line but not in a bad way. Teenagers kiss all the time on television, so why can't that be depicted in a video game?

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There are plenty of video games in which teenagers kiss. We both know that's not the issue here 🙄

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